Rebuilding a co-operative movement in northern Sri Lanka

Start Year:
End Year:
Sri Lanka
Budget range (€):
5.000 - 100.000
Agriculture and Fishery
Type of Activity:
Institutional Building (i.e. advocacy, etc.)
CEDP Organisation: Lead Organisation(s):
Co-operatives UK
Co-operative College UK

Project Objectives

There are three core outcomes for the project

  • A shift from a project donor model to a collective enterprise model
  • Recognition by internal and external stakeholders in Sri Lanka and the UK of the importance of the Co-operative Model
  • A coalition of internal and external stakeholders taking the co-operative movement forward.

From these outcomes there will be three core work streams, all of which are mapped out in the project budget and include:

  • Knowledge sharing and mapping the existing situation, including events with other NGO’s on the ground such as the Swedish Co-operative Centre and the ILO.
  • Working with existing stakeholders – i.e. signposting other resources and projects; training NGOs working with co-operatives; a training session in the UK for diaspora groups on co-operatives; the possibility of promoting ‘learning representatives’ at the local level; and information on how to access funding.
  • Capacity building programmes, which will be the core of the project. The proposed list of topics (based on suggestions in Vavuniya) includes: Train the trainers  - using modern approaches; Farming as a business; Cooperative identity; Business management including finance; Specific programmes for women – leadership and for the large number of war widows; a programmes for district coop officials.



Cooperatives Europe
Avenue Milcamps 105
B - 1030 Bruxelles
VAT: BE 0879.795.938
+32 2 743 10 33


This website has been co-funded by the European Union. The content of this website is the sole responsibility of Cooperatives Europe  and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union